My own feverish little 4 year old...that is what. Poor little guy started his morning off with a 103 degree fever. I was really needing to get things done in my classroom today and state tests are upon us..but then I remembered there is nothing, no job, no activity, no earthly thing more important than taking care of my own child.
And he is quite a child, never even cried when they swabbed his throat for strep or stuck that ginormous q-tip up his nose to test for the flu (neither of which he had by the way.) He was so optimistic and upbeat..and cute, did I mention that he is cute.
So instead of being in my classroom, playing the part of teacher, today I got the rare occasion of staying home with my little C.W. And although I really got not a thing done, that was the beauty of the day.
Hoping that you have a wonderful weekend and that you could say a little prayer for my little one.