Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Cactus Classroom Preview!

I am moving to a new classroom this year, and I decided that I might as well have a new classroom theme! 

 I love trendy and fun so I chose a Cactus Succulent Classroom Theme! 

 I will be revealing my finished classroom in a later post. Since I can't get into my classroom yet, I am going to share with you the items that I plan on building my classroom theme around.

So my sweet cousin watched my lovely kiddos one day and made me this sign for my classroom door! She is so talented! Find her on instagram here

I found this adorable felt letter board on Amazon. It came with two sets of letters (One white and One glow-in-the-dark) I can definitely see this being such a fun place to put messages to my students or quotes! The 12X10 that I bought is currently unavailable, but here is a similar board.  

No classroom is complete without borders, am I right? So in my new classroom I plan to layer the metallic green, black and striped border to create a classy and fresh look. I cannot wait to play around with these and see how it turns out. You can find the striped border here. And the metallic corrugated borders were a gift. I am sure they have them at any teacher supply store. 

Amazing Dollar Tree finds! While taking my weekly ( who am I kidding daily more like it!) trip to Dollar Tree I stumbled on these goodies. The cactus decals were such a steal! There are three per sheet, two on the front and one on the back. I think I will either use them on the walls or my front window.
The succulents were a great buy and I plan on using those simply for decoration on a shelf.
Oh bins...... What can I say, you ALWAYS need more bins. I plan on storing glue, markers, STEAM supplies and anything else that will fit in these babies!  All of this cost around $23 at Dollar Tree so I call the a win. 

These tiny Cactus lights are EV. ERY. THING!!! I think I might put them around my smart board, or on the Birthday bulletin board. So many possibilities! I got these as a birthday gift from one of my sweetest friends. They can be found at Target!  And Amazon has some similar ones here

And last but not least, this adorable rug that I found at a boutique in my hometown. I am thinking of adding a burlap ribbon or twine hanger to the top and making it a wall hanging. I know if I use it as an actual rug it will be wrecked mid year. SOOOOOO on the wall it will go! It can be found on Amazon here. It is a 24 X 48 rug so will make a nice large wall covering.

Check out this Cactus Group Labels Freebie! I am planning on using these on my new Target Carts. Can't wait to share the finished product!  They are super fun and fit in the Target Dollar Spot 3 X 5 Adhesive square pockets.                                    


Thank you so much for joining me and reading my Okie ramblings. I am so excited to share my classroom reveal with you! Hopefully they will let us into our classrooms soon!!